سايبر نت


Website Renovation Meeting


Meeting Objective: Status updates and team tasks for the website project

Topics to cover:

  • Review metrics data
  • Review heat map and usability test – identify next steps on potential improvements
  • Discuss whether to proceed with an in-house photoshoot or purchase a stock photo: in-house photoshoot is more cost-effective and customized but 2-4 week lead time, ~$500 to get existing photos from external vendors
  • Review website feedback from internal stakeholders – refer to email
  • Are there any other case study galleries that people like and think we should model off of?

Status Updates on Action Items:

  • Michelle to request final approval of navigation structure from Jim.
  • David to forward marketing materials and content that we’d like to publish on the site
  • Tomasz to run security review and gather requirements


استضافت بواسطة Mohammed Alshamsi
بداية ديسمبر 20, 2020 @ 6:25 م
الفئة Strategies
المدة الزمنية 30 دقيقة
المنطقة الزمنية Atlantic/Azores

ملاحظة: يتم عرض وقت العد التنازلي بناءً على منطقتك الزمنية المحلية.
